How To Play
- DEMANDS: Residents and visitors of your Skytropolis will have Demands for what they want. The longer a demand bar the higher the demand. Build more to supply a demand. If you meet the demands people will be happier, if you exceed the demands your modules will start to turn yellow meaning they are not being used (and will not earn revenue).
- RENTAL: Rental demands are met by building Residential modules.
Hotel demands are met by building hotels. - EMPLOYMENT: Employment demands are met by building workplaces such as offices, restaurants and some services.
- SOCIAL: Social demands are met by building fun things such as bars, parks, museums.
- SERVICES: In order to operate, your modules will require certain services, such as power, water, food. These services will be provided by your host city at a cost. You can also build your own Service modules to provide services and reduce your monthly expenses. Some services, such as power, can be exported to your host city if you produce excess.
- SUSTAINABILITY: You can improve the Sustainability of your Skytropolis by building modules with a higher Sustainability rating. Sustainability will improve happiness and help you meet certain Challenges.
- HAPPINESS: Happiness is affected by how well Employment and Social Demands are met, how Sustainable your Skytropolis is and by some modules. For example, building parks on the same floor as residential will increase the happiness of those residents.
- CONSTRUCTION: Most modules need to be connected to walkways. Walls can be connected to other walls, but the first wall will need to be connected to a walkway. To build up you will need to build elevators or stairs to access higher floors.
Desktop (PC)
- Watch your happiness level, if it gets too low people will move out. Make sure the employment and social demands are met. Parks and some other social modules increase happiness and can be a great short term fix.
- If modules turn yellow it means they are not used. Select them to find out why.
- If you need money, you can take out a bank loan or reclaim some modules to get some of their original value back.